4th January 2025

Search Great Oldbury Parish Council

Great Oldbury Parish Council Serving the people of Great Oldbury

Who we are & what we do

The newly created Great Oldbury Parish Council, in existence since the 1st April 2024 and consists of 7 elected members who serve for a four-year term.

For further information relating to the services offered by the Parish Council please contact the Parish Clerk who will be happy to give advice and assistance.

Great Oldbury Parish Council will meet on the 1st Thursday of the month, commencing at 7pm, at Standish Village Hall.

Staffing Committee


Cllr Phillip Ward

Cllr Phillip Ward

Chairman of Great Oldbury Parish Council

Great Oldbury Parish Council

Chairman of the Parish Council, Lead Councillor for Highways Issues and Social Media and Publications.

My desires for being a councillor my aims are:

Short term ( in year)- establish the GOPC.- raise awareness of the GOPC its role, abilities and limitations.- prepare for adoption of the community centre- establishing of community facilities booking service- write to RH to pursue transfer of the recreational sports pitches to GOPC ownership to prevent any other interested parties trying to acquire it and ensuring it remains in public ownership.- install defibrillators as per EPC at the community centre, leveraging their contracts and support network rather than starting afresh.- establish inter-council agreements for shared resources/contracts to reduce costs.

Operational issues:- engage on adoption of GO Drive spine road with GCC.- seek road markings (double yellows) for parking areas, junctions etc to protect pedestrians and accessibility.

Strategic issues: - liase with GCC and SDC for a medical centre to be established on designated Local Community land.- schooling (secondary) issues and lack of spaces- comment and review Outline Planning for further developers within GO boundary - and hold to account existing plans!- be aware of neighbouring planning development that would impact GO - eg expansions by GO in land west of Stonehouse into GO.- consider adopting the area greens / lands that are proposed to be passed to a management company, and taking responsibility, whilst removing this from homeowners. Removes burden on them, gives greater efficiency on costs and increase in precept accordingly.


  • Chairman
  • Lead Councillor - Highways

Cllr Andrew Deighton

Cllr Andrew Deighton

Vice Chairman

Great Oldbury Parish Council

I moved to Great Oldbury in November 2020, at the height of COVID and all that went with it. I have been living in England since 1997, when we moved from South Africa, and have for a while thought that I should be more involved with the local community. Now that we have settled in what we hope is our "forever home" it is time to become involved and to do some work for the benefit of the community. Since moving to Great Oldbury I have attended the monthly Great Oldbury Community Group meetings in order to keep involved, and the Parish Council, as a formal body, appealed as the next step to a higher level of involvement. I work from home, so I am almost always around and have some flexibility to be able to devote time to the Parish Council.


  • Vice Chairman
  • Staffing Committee
  • Working Group, with Eastington Parish Council

Cllr Martin Bowman

Cllr Martin Bowman


Great Oldbury Parish Council


  • Internal Financial Checker

Cllr Sonia Brinkworth

Cllr Sonia Brinkworth


Great Oldbury Parish Council


  • Chairman of the Staffing Committee
  • Lead Councillor for liaising with Robert Hitchins Ltd

Cllr Chris Coombs

Cllr Chris Coombs


Great Oldbury Parish Council

I have lived in the local area all my life and moved to Great Oldbury with my young family at the beginning of 2020. For the past 18 years I have worked in Special Needs Education in a range of settings and am an experienced teacher and leader as well as having developed and led training courses throughout the South West.

Outside of work and family time I have always played a lot of sport, in particular rugby where I am now the Honorary Secretary and Director of Painswick RFC. Since my playing days have decreased I have sought other physical challenges completing a number of medium and long distance triathlons as well as a range of ultramarathons around the UK.

I am highly motivated to play an active part within the community that I live, particularly as we are in the infancy of the Great Oldbury Parish Council and being able to have a positive impact on working with members of my local community.


  • Financial Authoriser.

Cllr Ed Turnbull-Scott

Cllr Ed Turnbull-Scott


Great Oldbury Parish Council


  • Lead Councillor Planning
  • Financial Authoriser
  • Working Group with Eastington Parish Council

County Councillor

County Cllr Nick Housden

County Cllr Nick Housden

Gloucestershire County Council

District Councillors

District Cllr Robert Brown

District Cllr Robert Brown

District Councillor

Stroud District Council

Cllr Richard Maisey

Cllr Richard Maisey

District Councillor

Stroud District Council

Last updated: Wed, 11 Dec 2024 20:28